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2'-Deoxyguanosine-5'-Triphosphate - (N-2503)

In stock
Product SKU Unit Size Price Qty
N-2503-25 25 µmole
N-2503-100 4 x 25 µmole
Product details
Catalog No N-2503
Purity ≥97% by AX-HPLC
Extinction Coefficient 13,700 Lmol-1cm-1 at 252 nm
Molecular Formula C10H16N5O13P3 (free acid)
Molecular Weight 507.10 g/mole (free acid)
Salt Form Na+
Concentration 100 mM
Buffer H2O
Recommended Storage -20°C or below
Other Name(s) dGTP
Application Aptamers, In vitro Transcription, Laboratory Developed Tests (LDT) & Analyte Specific Reagents (ASR), PCR & RT-PCR
Backbone 5'-Triphosphate
Base Analog(s) Guanosine
Sugar Type(s) DNA
Nucleotide Category Unmodified
Technical documents

Safety Data Sheet Look-up

Products FAQs

A nucleoside contains only the base and the sugar (5'-OH) while a nucleotide refers to a nucleoside with phosphorylation on the sugar. This includes the phosphate groups on the 2', 3' or 5' ends.

We provide custom chemistry services. Please inquire about the feasibility of your desired nucleotide at

They are resuspended in water, pH 7.5±0.5.

A 1 µmole vial of 100 mM NTP contains 10 µL.

When stored properly at or below -20°C, NTPs should be stable for a few years. Upon first use, prepare aliquots to minimize freeze-thaw cycles and NTP degradation. 

Although NTPs are stable at room temperature for several days, they are shipped on wet or dry ice to ensure stability in the event of a transportation delay. Even if they have arrived thawed, they should still be good to use. If you have concerns or questions however, please contact us at or [email protected].

Each NTP is accompanied by a certificate of analysis with the methods of analysis, concentration, purity, identity, etc. Our GMP NTPs undergo further analyses for characterization, safety, and nuclease contamination.

We run 31P NMR, which reveals inorganic phosphate salt. Enzymologists usually have the most concern about this salt since it inhibits many polymerases.

Certificate of analysis

CoA search tool

Intellectual property

Products are for research use only, not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures or for use in humans. Products are not for resale without express written permission from TriLink No license under any patent or other intellectual property right of TriLink or its licensors is granted or implied by the purchase unless otherwise provided in writing.

TriLink does not warrant that the use or sale of the products delivered hereunder will not infringe the claims of any United States or other patents or patents pending covering the use of the product alone or in combination with other products or in the operation of any process. All and any use of TriLink product is the purchaser's sole responsibility.