Genome Editing mRNA
Genome editing is one of the most exciting new areas of therapeutic development, and TriLink offers several options for genome editing, including Cas9 mRNA, Cas9 Nickase and Cre recombinase.
- CleanCap® M6 Cre mRNA (N1MePsU)Cat #: L-8111
- CleanCap® M6 Cas9 mRNA (N1MePsU)Cat #: L-8106
- CleanCap® Cas9 mRNACat #: L-7606
- CleanCap® Cre mRNA (5moU)Cat #: L-7211
- CleanCap® Cas9 Nickase mRNA (5moU)Cat #: L-7207
- CleanCap® Cas9 mRNA (5moU)Cat #: L-7206